What are the Blessings of Life
Hearing this question, it was not considered to be very difficult. However, once there was a person who answered this question
The 7th 1,000,000 Upasika Kaew Mass Training Project
The 7th 1,000,000 Upasika Kaew Mass Training Project. What is upasika? How important is she? What is her role in Buddhism? And why does Dhammakaya Temple arrange this project?
The 2554 B.E. Nationwide Rain Retreat Ordination Program of 100,000 Monks
The 2554 B.E. Nationwide Rain Retreat Ordination Program of 100,000 Monks.
Knowing How to Spend Money in Your Pocket
After we know how to earn and save money for living, we then have to know how to spend our money. Whenever we think about buying things, we have to be able to answer these questions.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our husband or wife (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Thirteen :- Cherishing our husband or wife.
Dhammakaya Temple's works for over 40 years
Dhammakaya Temple has the strong willing to develop and restore the morality to our socials, nation and the world. These are some works of Dhammakaya Temple for over 40 years.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Associate with the Wise (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Two :- Associate with the Wise
The 100,000–Monk Summer Mass Ordination Nationwide Project 2011
A Wife Should Cherish Her Husband
A wife should keep in mind that a husband wants support. Similar to her own needs for support, a wife needs to do these things because of the same reasons in the previous chapter.
The Great Indefinite Alms Offering to the Monks on Earth Day
We would like to invite you to build the Personal Dhammakaya Images. It is the last chance!!! This special merit will cause you to have the better things and happy in this life and next lifetimes. Don't miss!!